Better Health Starts with Better Daylight
View Smart Windows maximize daylight while eliminating glare
Reduced Eyestrain
Fewer Headaches
Less Drowsiness
Brighter Days Make for Better Nights
View Smart Windows enhance sleep for residents by providing the qualities of light that are effective for circadian alignment
Hormone regulation
Melatonin releases with consistent timing, while blinds lead to a 15 minute delay
Better sleep
16 minute longer sleep, and more consistent from one day to the next
Improved alertness
Well-rested in the morning, high daytime energy, and winding down before bed
Natural Light & Views Ranked #1 and #2
A survey of 1600 employees revealed that natural light and views are the top two desired workplace amenities, above onsite cafeterias, standing desks, and onsite gyms.
The Science
Healthier, happier and more productive employees